When to Contact the Planning Board

Please contact the Planning Board for assistance when considering:

  • Adding a dwelling unit to a lot that already has a dwelling unit on it; including the addition of a mobile home, the creation of an apartment or renting out an apartment formerly allowed for a family member only.
  • Dividing a lot into separate building sites or properties for future conveyance, for example, for a subdivision.
  • Constructing a new driveway of any sort, relocating an existing driveway on a town road or making any changes to an exisiting driveway.
  • Removing earth materials from a site for commercial purposes, i.e. an excavation.
  • Locating or creating a new mobile home park within the town.
  • Construction activities including, but not limited to, septic systems, wetlands, along streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, close proximity to adjoining property, flood zones, commercial development, Class VI (6) roads. While some aspects are regulated by State of NH or possibly Federal law, the Planning Board can offer advice and guidance and to help avoid future problems or violations.


New Hampshire municipalities are required by NH RSA 674:39-aa to notify residents that involuntarily merged lots may be restored to premerger status upon the owner's request.

If the Town of Rumney has merged contiguous lots for the purpose of assessment, taxation, or mapping without the proper authority of the owners, those owners have until December 31, 2016 to notify the Selectmen of the fact, whereupon the Selectmen shall restore the properties to their premerger status.

This notice will remain posted at the town office and on the town’s website until December 31, 2021. This notice will also be published in each Town Report through 2020.